Online Classes

Classes are offered through Fenzi Dog Sports Academy.

Next two terms

Current Class Schedule

Other Classes from Shade

Self Study Classes

Other Classes from Shade

Upcoming Class Schedule

How do online classes work?

Shade offers online classes, workshops, and webinars online through Fenzi Dog Sports Acadmey. 

Note that self study courses have been retired; purchasing a self study course will give you access to the lectures but there will be no forums available for review. 


Classes start every two months and students sign up at one of three levels.

Gold level: students post videos and questions working on class material and get direct written feedback from the instructor. Each student has his/her own “homework” thread that the rest of the class can also see.

Silver: students ask questions directly to the instructor and can view all forums and lectures. In some classes, they can also post a limited number of videos.

Bronze: the silent majority! They get access to all the lectures and forums but have no direct access to the instructor. There are also private FB lurker groups for bronzes to interact with fellow students and share advice and videos.

Instructors respond once or twice a day for 6 straight weeks! This allows students to train short efficient sessions and get feedback almost immediately on the next step.


FDSA workshops start every week on Sunday and then run for 10 consecutive days; rather than written lectures with video examples, workshops are primarily a video presentation.  Students sign up at one of two levels.

Working spots get the change to submit a 90 second video of their work from the week for critique and feedback.

Auditing spots get access to all materials, including the feedback for the working students.


Webinars are a live virtual event with roughly an hour of video presentation followed by live Q&A.